home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2004-06-22 | 5.3 KB | 308 lines |
- [Display]
- Width = 640 ; Video mode
- Height = 480
- Bits = 16
- RefreshRate = 85 ; hz
- Device = Default
- Window = 0 ; Window mode; 0 => Fullscreen
- MipFilter = 1 ; 0: none; 1: neareast; 2: trilinear
- AnisotropyLevel = 0
- Specular = 1 ; Specular light On/Off
- VSync = 1
- MultiSample = 0 ; FSAA
- [Game]
- ExtCombi = 1
- Class = 1
- Life = 0
- NoTimeLimit = 0
- Demo = demo_001
- ProfileStartUp = 0
- Profile = Default
- Arena = Survivor_01
- MeshLOD = 0 ; -2 (lowest) to 2 (highest)
- Fx = 1
- Mouse = 1.1 ; SensibilitĪ de la souris
- MouseFilter = 0 ; Filtre souris; 0: off; 1: 1 frame; 2: 3 frames
- NbPlayers = 1 ; Nombre de joueurs => 1 ou 2
- TimeDiff = 0 ; difficulty
- GameMode = 1
- StartLevel = 4
- Bonus = 1
- Help = 1
- TimeScale = 1
- Language = English
- AllowDev = 0
- [3dEngine]
- 1stTime = 1
- BoostFps = 1
- DevMode = 0
- T&L = 2 ; 0->dx6 engine; 1->dx7; 2->dx8
- HwSupport = 2 ; 0->software T&L; 1->mixed; 2->hardware
- MultiPass = 1 ; allow MultiPass when single pass is not possible
- CacheArena = 1
- DoNotClip = 0 ; intern flag; optim test
- Textures32bits = -1 ; -1: auto choose; 0: 16b; 1: 32b
- [SpecialFx]
- Mirror = 1 ; -1: Texture: 0: off; 1: Stencil; 2: fake
- Water = 2
- [Camera]
- Focale = 2 ; Camera focal
- Inertie = 0.3 ; Inertie de la cam entre 0 et 0.5
- AspectRatio = 1.333333 ; 1.333 => 4/3
- Mode = 6
- PersAngle = 25
- DistScale = 1
- [Keys1]
- ; Keys names for >>> FRENCH <<< keyboard
- ; ";", ":", "-", "+", "[", "]"
- ; "Tild", "*", "!", "m", "%%"
- ; "Enter", "Space"
- ; "CapsLock", "Tab", "LeftWin", "RightWin", "LeftAlt", "RightAlt",
- ; "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right" ===> Arrow Keys
- ; "RControl", "LControl", "LShift", "RShift",
- ; "Pad0", "Pad1", "Pad2", "Pad3", "Pad4" \\
- ; "Pad5", "Pad6", "Pad7", "Pad8", "Pad9", "Pad/" || ==> Pad Keys
- ; "Pad*", "Pad-", "Pad+", "Pad.", "PadEnter" //
- Up = Up
- Down = Down
- Left = Left
- Right = Right
- RotateL = LShift
- RotateR = <
- Drop = LControl
- Menu = Enter
- DropUp = d
- DropDown = c
- DropLeft = x
- DropRight = v
- [Keys2]
- DropUp = Home
- DropDown = End
- DropLeft = Del
- DropRight = PageDown
- Up = Pad8
- Down = Pad5
- Left = Pad4
- Right = Pad6
- RotateL = Pad7
- RotateR = Pad9
- Drop = Pad0
- Menu = PadEnter
- [Joy1]
- ; Button
- ; AnalogAxeNeg
- ; AnalogAxePos
- ; Hat => Left, Right, Up, Down
- DownValue = None
- LeftValue = None
- RightValue = None
- RotateLValue = None
- RotateRValue = None
- DropValue = None
- MenuValue = None
- DropUpValue = None
- DropDownValue = None
- DropLeftValue = None
- DropRightValue = None
- UpNum = 1
- UpType = AnalogAxeNeg
- UpValue = None
- DownNum = 1
- DownType = AnalogAxePos
- LeftNum = 0
- LeftType = AnalogAxeNeg
- RightNum = 0
- RightType = AnalogAxePos
- RotateLNum = 5
- RotateLType = Button
- RotateRNum = 7
- RotateRType = Button
- DropNum = 6
- DropType = Button
- MenuNum = 4
- MenuType = Button
- DropUpNum = 3
- DropUpType = Button
- DropDownNum = 0
- DropDownType = Button
- DropLeftNum = 1
- DropLeftType = Button
- DropRightNum = 2
- DropRightType = Button
- [Joy2]
- DropUpValue = None
- RotateLValue = None
- DropLeftValue = None
- RotateRValue = None
- DropRightValue = None
- DropValue = None
- DropDownValue = None
- MenuValue = None
- UpNum = 1
- UpType = AnalogAxeNeg
- UpValue = None
- DownNum = 1
- DownType = AnalogAxePos
- LeftNum = 0
- LeftType = AnalogAxeNeg
- RightNum = 0
- RightType = AnalogAxePos
- RotateLNum = 4
- RotateLType = Button
- RotateRNum = 6
- RotateRType = Button
- DropNum = 7
- DropType = Button
- MenuNum = 5
- MenuType = Button
- DropUpNum = 3
- DropUpType = Button
- DropDownNum = 0
- DropDownType = Button
- DropLeftNum = 1
- DropLeftType = Button
- DropRightNum = 2
- DropRightType = Button
- [Joy3]
- UpNum = 1
- UpType = AnalogAxeNeg
- UpValue = None
- DownNum = 1
- DownType = AnalogAxePos
- LeftNum = 0
- LeftType = AnalogAxeNeg
- RightNum = 0
- RightType = AnalogAxePos
- RotateLNum = 0
- RotateLType = Button
- RotateRNum = 1
- RotateRType = Button
- DropNum = 2
- DropType = Button
- MenuNum = 3
- MenuType = Button
- DropUpNum = 4
- DropUpType = Button
- DropDownNum = 5
- DropDownType = Button
- DropLeftNum = 6
- DropLeftType = Button
- DropRightNum = 7
- DropRightType = Button
- [Joy4]
- UpNum = 1
- UpType = AnalogAxeNeg
- UpValue = None
- DownNum = 1
- DownType = AnalogAxePos
- LeftNum = 0
- LeftType = AnalogAxeNeg
- RightNum = 0
- RightType = AnalogAxePos
- RotateLNum = 0
- RotateLType = Button
- RotateRNum = 1
- RotateRType = Button
- DropNum = 2
- DropType = Button
- MenuNum = 3
- MenuType = Button
- DropUpNum = 4
- DropUpType = Button
- DropDownNum = 5
- DropDownType = Button
- DropLeftNum = 6
- DropLeftType = Button
- DropRightNum = 7
- DropRightType = Button
- [Controller] ; 0 = Mouse; 1 = Keyb1; 2 = K2; 3 = Joy1; 4 = J2
- Player1 = 1
- AutoBack1 = 0.2
- Player2 = 2
- AutoBack2 = 0.2
- Player3 = 3
- AutoBack3 = 0.1
- Player4 = 4
- AutoBack4 = 0.1
- [Sound]
- SoundOn = 1
- MusicOn = 1
- MusicPath = Music
- MusicVolume = 0.6 ; from 0 to 1.0
- FxVolume = 0.75 ; from 0 to 1.0
- Frequency = 22050
- NbBits = 16
- Path = Sound
- [Stat]
- Entry = 0
- Mode = 0
- Level = 1
- [Hiscore]
- Last = Default
- Mode = 1
- Level = 1
- Filter = 0
- [Intern]
- LevelTrial = 0
- Trial = 1
- ChooseZone = -1
- MaxStagePerZone = 0
- NewGame = 0
- LevelDemo = No
- ZoneCol = -1
- ZoneRow = 0
- ScoreName = Off
- MaxTrialZone = 0
- LimitDiff = 0
- AllowNoTimeLimit= 1